Friday, April 30, 2010

Biggest House in the United States :)

  This is reportedly the biggest house in the United States,it is located in Asheville, North Carolina. This house was built by George Washington Vanderbilt II between 1889 to 1895. This french styled Renaissance Mansion sits on 175,000 square feet and features 250 rooms. The home is still owned by one of Vanderbilt's descendants.
  In 2007 it was ranked 8 in the list of America's Favorite Architecture. This is one site that tourists visit frequently. Family members continued to live there until 1956 when it was permanently opened to the public as a house museum. This house gets more than 1 million visitors each year.
  They still marvel at the 70,000 gallon indoor pool, bowling alley, turn of the century exercise equipment, two- story library, and other rooms filled with artwork, furniture and other great novelties such as elevators, forced air heating, centrally controlled clocks and a intercom system.
  The house also contains formal gardens that sit on 75 acres. Makes you wanna visit huh? 

Thursday, April 22, 2010

  When you go and get an upgrade on your cell phone or are just now going to get your first phone do you find yourself standing in the store of whatever cell phone carrier you choose and don't know which phone to buy? Well that's where i come in! I am here to tell you about the Verizon Wireless Motorolla Android 2.1.
  I am not just here to try and promote this phone, i have this phone and honestly the flat out truth, greatest phone ever. It has all the features your looking for and even some of the basic features. Text messaging, the web, games, speech recognition, notification panel, 10,000 + apps., tunes, videos, pictures and so much more. It is also a touch screen.
  The only thing that may change your mind about this phone would be the price, for a 2- year contract i is $199.99 and its retail price is $ 559.99. Mouth dropper huh? But good thing is,as of right now, buy one Droid get one Droid free. The phone in my opinion is worth it though, you will honestly not find a phone as a great as this one. This is one phone i would recommend to anyone.
  So do i have you convinced yet? I haven't had any problems with this phone, i have heard people say it can be slow at times but what phone isn't. Every phone has flaws, nothings perfect specially not a phone. But all i have to say is happy shopping and try to make the best choice of a cellphone which should be the Droid.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Whats your choice? pt.1

  Everyday people are making different choices. Some choices we don't like, or people don't think is right. To me i think if we're a woman we should be with a man, and if your a man you should be with a woman.  I mean its common sense. But also i believe we were put on this world to be happy. No matter if we're gay, straight etc. 
  Our choice is what's gonna make us happy. Not what others choose for us. Don't ever let someone choose whats gonna make you happy. That's what you are here to do yourself. Yes if your gay  people may stare but that's what makes you happy then go for it and ignore people. We all know everyone is immature. If they're immature as a kid then their gonna stay immature for the rest of their life. Common sense right?
  Your never gonna be happy is you let someone choose for you. Stand up for yourself. Even if your a grown up, don't be afraid of what people are gonna say. I was always told there's nothing to be afraid of, you live life to to live life, if your scared or afraid what's there to live for? I may be 16 but that's one thing i always live by.
  I never let people choose whats gonna make me happy. That's not who i am. If you let someone choose your life for you, all i have to say is i have no respect for you. There's gay people everywhere, you may work, be friends or be related to someone who's gay, and you may never know that because their scared to tell you because you may judge them. All i have to say is you should be happy for them no matter what their choice may be.

Can you believe it?

  Can you believe all the earthquakes that have been happening? It's crazy. Think of the people that are in them! Can you imagine what their going through? Imagine losing your home, your friends, family, everything you've worked for. What would you do?
   It's like the world has indigestion. It's kinda scary. Thinking maybe the world is coming to an end. It's been said from the Mayan calendar thats the world is gonna end in 2012. We don't wanna die. Especially us kids who will be graduating in 2012 and still have the rest of our life's to live, like the rest of us do.
   It's something we all have to live with. We all live with fear, and we always will. But sometimes we have to make the good out of something bad and live with it instead of making our life's miserable because we're scared everyday that the world could come to an end.
  My opinion personally i don't think the world will end anytime soon. There's myths to scare us. We've all heard them. We just need to get past them and live with the fear. Not everyday but live life before its to late. Go out and have fun, spend as much time as you can with yourself, your family, your friends. That's all we can really do right? So back to the question Can you believe it??

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How do you get a girl to like you?

  Are you the type of guy that just can't keep a girl in your life? Do you think that girls don't  like you for who you are? Girls like a guy who can be their selves not a complete opposite stereotype. Myself as a girl i like a guy who can be himself, confident and fun to be around, and i found that guy :)
   Did you know the littlest things can get a girl's attention. We may be hard to get unless we're desperate and there's plenty of girls like that out there, but it don't take much to impress or entertain us. We like guys who aren't jerks, complete A** holes to us. Now that's a turn off unless you somehow get a girl that does like to be treated like she's the ground you walk on then hey go for it.
  Make  yourself noticeable, but not so much it seems like your obsessed with her. That may creep us out a bit. So if you and this girl that you think is the girl of dreams or could be the love of your life and she's in your geometry class, smile at her when she walks in so she notices you. If she walks by you just simply say " Hi Jessica" or whatever the girl's name might be.
   Start little conversations, but most importantly relax. Don't let the cat get your tongue. Second most important thing talk a little bit about yourself, but let her talk more about herself. We don't like guys who are full of themselves and talk about themselves 24/7. That may get a bit annoying. Just saying. But also make sure you flirt but not to much.
  You can't just hop into a relationship with a complete stranger. Talk to her, get to know her, ask important questions that would help you in the long run. Basically what i am trying to say, make a friendship first, then work your way up into a relationship if that's what she's wanting. But don't become her best friend to where she will only wanna be that and not something more because she might get scared if you two date then break up she'll lose you as a friend.
  Now you need to understand, us girls we worry. We get jealous or we get mad. So you may have to live with that. Act happy when your around her, tell her how you feel. Be her shoulder to lean on if something is wrong. We like a sensitive guy. But not to sensitive.
  Now comes the most important step, ask her out. Don't ask in front off all your friends though, and or her friends. We like to surprise our friends. That's the exciting part. Nothing to be scared of. All it is, is an answer. Not the end of the world. So don't fret. Even if she does say no there's plenty of more fish in the sea so no worries. Oh and before i forget make sure you both get along with each others friends. That's important. But that's pretty much it. Good Luck :) Either you will need it or you may not.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Completely Random :D

  Are you Random, do your friends say your are? Or do you think being random like your friends doing it is annoying? Well obviously your unamerican. Every person in the world, unless your just like real serious and quite frankly really boring then maybe your not, but the other 90% of the world we are.
  Do  you ever catch yourself in a conversation with some friends talking about the new sale at the mall or what football game is on tonight, and out of nowhere you think of something and just stop the conversation and bring it up? I do that all the time. I think  it annoys my friends but it makes me laugh.
  You think they would have a disorder for someone who is random, they have the hyperactive disorder, O.C.D, and A.D.D. They just need to make the Completely Random Disorder one. I personally find being random fun, your never boring and you never run out of things to talk about. 
   So if your not random then you most likely have those nights when your on the phone with your best friend and you both eventually run out of things to talk about and you just hear each other breathing. Yea i hate those types of conversations. So boring. Sometimes makes you wonder if the other person fell asleep because they were so bored.haha that would be great.
   I bet some of you go home at night and get on google and type in "completely random" and look at what some of these websites have so you can have something to talk to your friends about. Makes you wonder.
   Or you could be completely Random and just text your friend and say Dude! or Epic! i know me and my friend do that a lot. We're never bored. Which is a good thing right? Exactly.So live life have fun, be Random, annoy your parents maybe even your friends. All in fun right?