Did you know the littlest things can get a girl's attention. We may be hard to get unless we're desperate and there's plenty of girls like that out there, but it don't take much to impress or entertain us. We like guys who aren't jerks, complete A** holes to us. Now that's a turn off unless you somehow get a girl that does like to be treated like she's the ground you walk on then hey go for it.
Make yourself noticeable, but not so much it seems like your obsessed with her. That may creep us out a bit. So if you and this girl that you think is the girl of dreams or could be the love of your life and she's in your geometry class, smile at her when she walks in so she notices you. If she walks by you just simply say " Hi Jessica" or whatever the girl's name might be.
Start little conversations, but most importantly relax. Don't let the cat get your tongue. Second most important thing talk a little bit about yourself, but let her talk more about herself. We don't like guys who are full of themselves and talk about themselves 24/7. That may get a bit annoying. Just saying. But also make sure you flirt but not to much.
You can't just hop into a relationship with a complete stranger. Talk to her, get to know her, ask important questions that would help you in the long run. Basically what i am trying to say, make a friendship first, then work your way up into a relationship if that's what she's wanting. But don't become her best friend to where she will only wanna be that and not something more because she might get scared if you two date then break up she'll lose you as a friend.
Now you need to understand, us girls we worry. We get jealous or we get mad. So you may have to live with that. Act happy when your around her, tell her how you feel. Be her shoulder to lean on if something is wrong. We like a sensitive guy. But not to sensitive.
Now comes the most important step, ask her out. Don't ask in front off all your friends though, and or her friends. We like to surprise our friends. That's the exciting part. Nothing to be scared of. All it is, is an answer. Not the end of the world. So don't fret. Even if she does say no there's plenty of more fish in the sea so no worries. Oh and before i forget make sure you both get along with each others friends. That's important. But that's pretty much it. Good Luck :) Either you will need it or you may not.
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