It's like the world has indigestion. It's kinda scary. Thinking maybe the world is coming to an end. It's been said from the Mayan calendar thats the world is gonna end in 2012. We don't wanna die. Especially us kids who will be graduating in 2012 and still have the rest of our life's to live, like the rest of us do.
It's something we all have to live with. We all live with fear, and we always will. But sometimes we have to make the good out of something bad and live with it instead of making our life's miserable because we're scared everyday that the world could come to an end.
My opinion personally i don't think the world will end anytime soon. There's myths to scare us. We've all heard them. We just need to get past them and live with the fear. Not everyday but live life before its to late. Go out and have fun, spend as much time as you can with yourself, your family, your friends. That's all we can really do right? So back to the question Can you believe it??
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